Celebration Delivers Everything A Superior Turfgrass Should: Durability, Exceptional Recovery, Softness, Drought Resistance And Beautiful Color.
An Improved Bermudagrass That Offers Exceptional Performance Across A Wide Spectrum Of Applications
Celebration Bermuda Grass is an Australian Breed Cynodon dactylon developed by renowned turfgrass breeder Rod Riley that offers specifiers, landscapers, golf course designers, sports turf managers, and homeowners exceptional performance across a wide spectrum of applications. Celebration Bermuda Grass requires less mowing than typical bermuda varieties and has tough runners, rhizomes, and deep roots that provide excellent sod strength, wearability, and improved drought tolerance. Reduced production costs are achieved by Celebration’s rapid expansion rate, reproduction from rhizomes, and natural chemical resistances (similar to other Bermudagrasses) for easier weed control. Celebration is the first bermuda grass to exhibit improved shade tolerance in sports turf comparisons, ranking #1 in a recent Clemson University study, and has gained popularity in Golf and Sport Turf applications for its ability to thrive in filtered shade. In fact, Celebration Bermuda Grass is the most shade tolerant commercially available turf grass. Celebration has also been rated #1 by SAWS and in several comparative bermuda grass studies for its excellent drought tolerance. Want to see more about ongoing and completed research on Celebration? Check out our Research page (NOTE: All links will open in a new window). Also be sure to visit Celebration’s Characteristics page for more detailed information about the attributes of this incredible turf grass.
Celebration has proven its ability to thrive in hot, humid conditions in a variety of applications and has performed well in sandy and clay soil types with aggressive growth from its runners and rhizomes. Celebration can be mowed with a standard rotary mower due to its broader leaf and open growth habit. This versatile turf grass has thrived in agricultural zones 6b-11 and is being tested in zones 5 and 6a for cold hardiness extremes. For a color coded US map of where Celebration will grow see our Where It Will Grow page.
All Celebration Bermudagrass grown and distributed across the United States is certified by local state crop certification agencies that provide rigid standards and regulations for production, harvesting, and handling, that when adhered to, ensure a genetically pure, high quality, “certified” turf grass product. Additionally, all licensed Celebration Bermuda Grass production is monitored by Sod Solutions through on-going quality control and quality assurance programs. We have even put together a Best Management Practices sheet for Celebration that will help both homeowners and landscape professionals take the guess work out of maintining a beautiful green lawn.
Still not sold on Celebration? Don’t take our word for it! Check out what landscape professionals have to say about this incredible grass on our Testimonials page, or see for yourself what everyone is talking about on our Celebration Photos page.